About Me

There isn't much to tell about me.. I've been writing poetry for about three years now and it's a great way to express some feelings. People see me as someone who only makes fun and not as a serious type, though I really prefer fun above everything. I also can be serious as in my poems. I also like helping people and like to hear from my readers. Oh and please don't mind my English! I'm Dutch you know.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today I had some friends over asking me about my blog. They tried helping me by naming things that could inspire people to write. The first thing they said was weed. It's no secret my friends and I smoke some weed sometimes. It's legal here so what's the problem? As long as you know your limits, right? So they said weed and coming to think of it, it does help you think creative, though really inspiring you to write? I have written enough times under influence of weed and I must say that it helps. The only problem is that you think you're doing a great job, but that may not always be so. Enough times I would read what I wrote the day after and most of the time it's not good at all. Funny is that you will write about the most philosophic questions ever or think of subjects you usually won't think of. That's something great, because when you read it you can start making adjustments and make something good out of it. Then you get an exciting, crazy, perhaps great poem. Here is a poem I wrote when I was under influence : Never This Chill

Now does weed inspire you or not ?
I think it's safe to say it inspires you, but writing when under influence is a different story. Also keep in mind that when you're under influence you won't be in the mood to write. You'll most likely want to sit, laugh and eat.
One last thing, there are many ways to be inspired, try those instead of weed. Especially when it isn't legal!

1 comment:

  1. hallo mijn vriend! warme groet ^ ^!
    je blog ziet er leuk 0_0

    door de manier,
    als u unieke lettertype te vinden, kunt u naar onze website.

    Met vriendelijke groet;
